Monday, July 13, 2015

Their position on these methods is the ends justify the means, so secure the ends at all cost.  When one is injured while working on an offshore oil rig or on a boat that is also looking to mine the precious black gold from the sea, you need an offshore injury lawyer that an experienced, well-seasoned veteran who is willing to go to legal war with the corporations and shipowners that are looking out for themselves and their mountains of profit.  When someone mentions an offshore injury lawyer, or an injury lawyer of any kind, phrases such as “bottom feeders,” or “leeches,” tend to come to mind, especially from those within the legal profession.  If you’ve worked on a ship, or an offshore oil rig, or know someone that has, you won’t be surprised to know that there are a few deaths every year that result from the hazardous nature of the work performed on these precariously placed ships and rigs.  There are always a few deaths, and countless number of injuries, both reported and unreported.  Being “tough” and not reporting one’s injuries tends to be encouraged by both fellow roughnecks and management alike, since the former consider it manly, while the latter promote it in order to avoid the liability of having to dole out for medical expenses.

The former is expected, and though not always healthy from a social perspective, is difficult to truly eradicate.  The latter however, tends to pose a bigger, more serious challenge, because the shipowners and corporations that own the multi-billion dollar operations that are run on these offshore oil rigs will defend their positions and their profits with bared teeth, to the last man, using any modus operandi, both legal and illegal, whichever proves to be more effective.    A good offshore injury lawyer should be extremely familiar with the Death on the High Seas Act, the Jones Act, General Maritime Law, and the Longshore and Harbor Worker’s Compensation Act.  If injured in this industry, you need to know what your rights are, what shipowner’s / rig owner’s responsibilities are in terms of providing a safe work environment.  Too many times the average roughneck knows not an iota of what their rights are, and simply throw themselves at the mercy of their employer, thinking that an injury will hurt their chances for future employment.  If they knew that they were entitled at the least to medical compensation, medical leave, and compensation for pain and suffering, an amount that could easily retire them for life, they just might take a different tact.  It’s important to raise awareness, knowledge is power, and the law is your friend.

Offshore Injury Lawyer
Personal Injury Lawyer Miami

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